Jeffery is making some chain and eyelets with the help of Jim who learnt THE method from Scott Chaseling
This is Jeff doing a mock installation in one of the coves near town.
Patty is playing with dying corals and sponges she found on the beach. I think these will end up being part of a sort of crazy wearable coral man-suit.
Dr. Patty and the Expandable Foam Experiments
Audrey is playing with LOTS of techniques, including sand casting and copper inclusions. At the moment she's replicating textures of local stone, seaweed and sea pebbles.
Patty, the keen volunteer on sand-brushing duty
Jim and Petr, puntying up one of Audrey's sand cast glasseaweeds
Petr Stranicky, our marvelous Czech teacher, is playing with something here, but he's not really telling us too much about it so far. (I'm not sure if that's because he doesn't want to reveal his genius ideas too soon or because he doesn't know what he's doing :P)
Supposedly the squashed balloons idea here was inspired by my squished glass blobs!
My tests with stones are all coming out quite well!
I'm churning through quite a bit of stone, so I've been running around town trying to find bits that won't be missed.
Enlisting some brawn
My back won't thank me by the end of this project. Though my osteopath might, after I've paid for his next holiday...
So, for the time being, I'm charging ahead with stone and glass sandwiches.
(This particular piece was quite stressful because there was quite a lot of little spiders and things living in the lichen and I couldn't domestically relocate all of them before we poured the glass in. There was a bit of a massacre which is still weighing heavy on me)
Back too it tomorrow. I'd like to produce enough units to start playing with some installations.
Well, goodnight Australia! May your backs all be in good shape and may your spiders live in peace!